Thursday, February 26, 2009

The ABC's of online organizational tools

I'd like to describe just a few of the sites we investigated this week but there are SO MANY tools available on the Read/Write web. I thought I'd have some fun; I hope you like it!
A is for Animoto for making vivid presentations
B is for BubblUs (brainstorming) and BigHugeLabs for creations
C is for Campusbug, chatting with fellow student minions
D is for Doodle for getting everyone’s opinions
E is for eHow teaching us how to do it all
F is for Flickr stores pictures to show one and all
G is for GoogleMaps , gives us fancy mappin’
H is for Hypertext which makes this all happen
I is for Instructables ; demonstrates how to...
J is for Jing ; I can send instructional images to you
K is for kilobytes; data we now consider small
L is for LinkedIn; networking professionals (they make house calls?!)
M is for MyStickies they're just like desktop post-its
N is for Notecentric , organize notes; then send it
O is for Openonmy storing files to 1 gig
P is for Prosper; helps find student loans (now that’s big!)
Q is for Qipit take pictures of your “.doc”
R is for Rollyo custom search engine; your list of what’s hot
S is for StumbleUpon ;find great sites with this tool and surveymonkey; survey if others find it cool
T is for ThinkFold; create outlines on the net
U is for user friendly; for these sites? You bet!

V is for voki creating people we know
W is for Wikipedia; information, we can edit as we go
X is for? Because X websites are Xtra hard to find
Y is for Yahoo! Bookmarks; help organize your mind
Finally, Z is for Zoho for word processing and Zamzar to convert it
Now you can organize your world; copy, print and transfer it