Thursday, April 23, 2009

I think the debate on where to place certain books in the library has been interesting. I understand that the location is important. We want our patrons to be able to find the books there are searching for. There are purists who feel book collections should be shelved by Dewey decimal number only. There are others with more liberal views on how to make book collections available for easy access. Shelving a book can be a difficult decision and librarians can become passionate about their viewpoints! Because of this shelving controversy, I thought it would be fun to "play with the passion". Here is what I came up with.... I hope you like it!

Literary Divers search local library for missing books

by The Libris Newsroom

Thursday, April 23, 2009, 7:53 PM

By Rhoda Crowell

WEST SPRINGFIELD Literary divers have been searching the West Springfield Public Library this morning for missing book collections. Authorities say Traditional Literature, Graphic Novels and certain fiction books have been mysteriously taken from their shelves. B. O. Grafies, a Library Media Specialist told reporters the books were placed prominently in a display for easy retrieval by patrons. Grafies said “I like to keep these collections out because so many children like to have them in one location. This morning I arrived to find the book displays empty.”
Catalog police were called in to investigate. Further investigation found the missing books were placed in the non-fiction section of the library. A radical traditionalist librarian from a near-by town was taken into custody for the crime. She will plead guilty to transferring the books from their prominent locations in the Youth Room, re-shelving them by their Dewey Decimal number in the Non-fiction sections. Unnamed sources report that she moved the books, claiming the books were going through separation anxiety.

Additional information was not immediately available.