Friday, October 28, 2011

Girl, Stolen by April Henry

Scholastic Publishing

Cheyenne Wilder, a sixteen-year-old girl has just stepped into a nightmare. She's sleeping in the back of her car while her step-mother gets her some medicine for her pneumonia. A strange man gets into the car and starts driving away... with her in the car. Terrifying? Yes! Now add to that situation the fact that Cheyenne is blind. What starts as a car theft turns into a kidnapping scheme when the thieves find out Cheyenne is the daughter of Nike's president.

This story is an excellent choice for middle school readers. It has all the suspense and action most kids enjoy in a good book. I especially liked how April Henry developed Cheyenne's character; explaining how she learned to uses her senses,both physical senses and emotional senses, to survive in a sighted world.