Friday, March 13, 2009

This week we also explored virtual worlds like Second Life, Gaiaonline and World of Warcraft. Through experimenting with Second life, I came to a realization. Second life reminds me of the holodeck on Star Trek; the Next Generation. On the holodeck, one can explore an alternate life, time period, analyze data and run test simulations as Data, Gordie and Captain Jen Luc Picard often did on many of the television episodes. I case you haven't guessed, I am a Trekkie. Not the wear-costumes-to-conventions kind, but the I-like-how-Captain-Kirk-keeps-talking-about-the-Prime-Directive-of-no-interference-yet-usually-destroys-a-planet's-culture kind of Trekkie. Star Trek is a phenomenon because Gene Rodenberry had insight. He and his writing team created communicators, replicators, phasers,and voice activated computers. This wouldn't be impressive except he created these items in the early 1960's long before our current technology boom. Now communicators look eerily like cell phones, voice activated computers are available and the military has the prototypes to phasers. That's a pretty good track record. I can see Second life as the forerunner of a holodeck. On the holodeck people move through computer simulated worlds interacting with three dimensional holograms. It's used for educational purposes, art and cultural recitals and entertainment. Yes, I can see Second life and virtual worlds like it becoming the precursor to future educational learning centers to engage students of the future. So as Jean Luc Picard would say, "Ahead. Warp factor two, engage!

Just believe!

Call me old fashion, but I am still not comfortable giving out personal information to a global market. I enjoy my privacy. At first I opened my FaceBook account with minimal information. That being said, my husband started peering over my shoulder, hinting about his interest in trying Facebook. “All my friends keep talking about it”, he murmured. I got the hint; I took a break from my account to help him set up his. I thought maybe I would get more out of the experience through the eyes of my husband? Nate is an adventurous type who will try a new product first before understanding the consequences

which is why I don’t allow him to play with my school laptop. We added all the suggested personal information and profiles; we gave FaceBook Nate’s email account so it could search for friends, etc. Nate found his friends plus many more people he hadn’t thought about in years. Nate took the plunge into social networking with both feet and he was rewarded with all these names from his past. So I thought, why not. If he can do it, so can I, right? To this day, I have to say, I’m glad I stuck my head from that turtle shell and entered the world of social networking. I have found past friends and relatives I haven’t heard from for years. My experience has inspired my sister, brother and even my 77 year old father to take the plunge on FaceBook. FaceBook is a site I plan on continuing in the future.